Olly Becomes A Spartan

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When you have a kid like mine her life revolves around doing everything all at once.  Sometimes it can be a curse and other times it is the best thing that you could ask for in a kid.  

For the past 3 months, I was asked every weekend if she could train for a race.  I know what you are thinking.  What race is a 5-year-old doing that she could really have to “train” for? 

Well let me tell you... she is now a 5-year old that is officially a Spartan!  You for sure read that right and no we are not in the movie 300!  A moment very and near to her and from the time she saw her Dad complete his race she knew that she wanted to go all-in and run a race of her own.  A little confused with believing she is a ninja warrior (different race but still a kick-ass thing for kids) she has an officially completed half a mile and lives to see another day!! 

I lost a shoe, I was soaking wet, but I had an amazing time. There is no prouder moment than this.