Reading the Bible in 365 Days or more...
Hey yall,
Some of you may already be aware of this and some may be in the same boat as me if I am being honest.
So, I have never read the Bible. Like, I mean picked it up and read it and just fell in love with the word and knew what the heck I was talking about. Yea… UHM NO!
Recently I have been sharing some spiritual growth moments and going to church more. I fell in love with the guidance that I was getting. Regularly attending church was a mesage for me .
“Damn yo, I been missin’ out on so much spiritual growth!”
Lord, please forgive me hahaha. I only ever wrote poems about God and listened to Gospel music. (I am not sure what genre you would classify Christian Rock or Hillsong … Basically anything, not soulful is what I listened until now. In a nutshell, Gospel was my “word” and that was not wavering.
Fast forward, I came to Jax and really allowed myself to become submerged for the first time ever! (Maybe because I am an adult now) Then, I just stopped going again for about a year or so until one Christmas holiday I went with a very close friend of mine to a church in Orlando, FL. When I tell you that I was MOVEDDDDD!!
The pastor was so relatable that for the first time I had forgotten that I was in church and was just in living in that moment. That changed me yall! Shortly after I realized there was a podcast that I could listen to when I was not in Orlando and I did just that. I was CONSISTENT yall!! Like I would just be waiting until Monday morning on my way to work where I could be in tears and be laughing all in the same moment.
So if you are still with me you are probably like ay yo GET TO THE WHOLE READING THE BIBLE PART!!
Well, that same friend about 8 months in or so told me about this thing where you could study the Bible in a year and it broke it down for you in a way that you could truly understand it.
Folks, I give you
A One Year of the Bible and How It Relates to You
-Zach Windahl
So far I will be honest, IIIII have only gotten through one chapter. (which means I will not be reading this in one year) I am trying to balance out my time for when I want to study it. I enjoy doing it the morning but then I read it and then never put it down which causes me to be late for my day. (I guess that is okay though cause like IT’S THE BIBLE YO)
I just thought I would share an amazing option that was brought to me in a time when I needed it and maybe you need it now too! I’ll add the link below and NO this is not sponsored… I actually just love this chapter that I am in and wanted to share it all with you.
Later Lovers!