Mother’s Day Is That You?


So it’s indeed Wednesday and you have waited until almost the last minute to get something to arrive by Mother’s Day, which is indeed peeking over the corner as we speak!  A friend and I were discussing how he didn’t even realize that the date of motherly appreciation (which should be everyday) is quickly approaching this Sunday in fact!

I am a mother that yes enjoys gifts and to be wined and dined at times but realistically I would love to have a day where one of my motherly duties was already taken care of freeing up time where I can do that thing that I had been wanting to do but couldn’t find time. 

As a mother that works 9-5 then sits in an hour of road rage filled traffic to get to my kid before the pesky 6:00p time constraint, all while thinking about walking the dog (which is the only time for exercise), what is for dinner, bath time, and the three basket of clothes that still needed to folded and put away! Phew did I mention trying to get the mini me in bed before 9:00! GIVE ME FREEDOM AND WINE!!

Okay, Okay I’m done but seriously here are some wonderful last minute gift ideas that you could run out and grab for your mother for the wonderful, joyous day that is Mother’s Day. 


“You been throwing away my silverware?”

  • I would like to think I am not the only person that has heard this statement come from a mother. And as a mother I do tend to notice that my once full drawer of cutlery has gone mysteriously missing! As a daughter, I have been the accused and as a mother I have accused as well. Last year I witnessed as my genius sister purchased my mother a brand new set and she was very shocked, laughed, and indeed they were used!

When buying gifts just buy practical and spend some times listening to your mom.

“I can’t find anything in this pantry!”

  • Pantries are a love and hate relationship because on one hand it is a place to house all of your kitchen snacks, cooking essentials, some toiletries, and any other items that just randomly end up in there! *side eye* Do some reorganizing of your mother’s most used items! The most valuable thing you can offer is your time and reorganizing things like the refrigerator, pantry, seasoning cabinet, cooking utensils, and if your mother is like mine HER CLOSET!!

Reorganize her life even if it’s just temporary…

“I sure can’t wait for my kids to say Mom I have got dinner tonight.”

  • Often times when we go out to eat as a family I hear this statement because yes indeed the family meals are covered by my parents. I think to myself that one day I will just grab the bill say “Mother put your card away it’s on me!” Then flash a winning smile, wink and my siblings, (who could care less cause it ain’t there money), and pass the bill over to the waiter that just witnessed this all go down!

Wine and dine her one time for the one time!

“I use to be pretty fly before I became a mom ya’ll just don’t know”

  • How fly were you mama? How about we find out! Arise on the beautiful Mother’s Day and tell your mom to prepare for a model photo shoot! With tech advancing everyone has a smart phone with an amazing camera so you don’t have to be a photography and have the best camera in order to execute this! Pick out two beautiful outfits for your mother and plan out her makeup, hair, and location that you will take some photos! Give her an amazing photoshoot where she gets to truly feel deserved and loved! After its all said and done take the digital prints and get a printout. (Canvas, glossy, matte, online post… the choice is yours!)

Gon’ get your camera phone girl issa photo shoot!

“I’ll be glad when all my kids are gone and I can get some peace and quiet in my house.”

  • Although you may not be able to give your mother everything she wants right then and there what you can do is give her a day where she does have some peace and quiet and a moment to herself. Wake up early and clean up the house and when I say early that is what I mean. Then get yourself and whoever else that lives in the household up and dressed and tell your mother to enjoy her day stress free and relaxed! Have prepared meals available and already laid out for her to make her day seamless. Then while your mother is napping and binge watching Netflix shows you can be out thinking of the dinner items you will bring home for a great ending to a wonderful day.


5 ideas for the last minute Mother’s Day gift searcher! I promise she will appreciate anything that you do or get for her because at the end of the day it really is the thought that counts! But whenever you have doubt turn to Pinterest or come here to find some awesome ideas! I hope these helped some that just have not been able to pick something out or wait until Saturday to think of the best gift.

Photo Cred: Dalila Aisha Photography & Design

Photo Cred: Dalila Aisha Photography & Design

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"Mama said there'd be views like this!"