I’m 2018% Done with Last Year!!!

So you want to have a good year and do some planning but have no idea how to begin? 

Yall who are you tellin’ I was so ready to have a new beginning. I was struggling and it took me having a swift kick in my butt from my Aunt before I realized I needed to change.  I was 27, living a life where I was going through the motions of what I was stuck in and NO plans for the future. The one thing I did hold on to was empty dreams that I kept sitting on a shelf as if someone was going to come and feed me the solution!

I TOOK CONTROL OF MY LIFE … wait… I am not sure if I can say that because I am still technically getting it under control.  YIKES!! One life to live much…

So what works for me?

Well, I needed a kick in the butt by the right person, because no ex-lover, friend, mother, or foe could tell me anything! But I will say my Aunt made me feel like I had not felt in a while.  She made me promise that I would send my year plan to her. I will admit I hated the idea of a year plan.  In my mind, I thought that it was extra work and that it did not truly help anything at all. For a few weeks, I was pumped about it and had made a point to get it done but had never really started anything at all… THEN, she CALLED ME!! She was like “uhmmmm so how is it goin’?” … I knew what that meant … “Are you getting your shit together hahaha…” and I’ll admit, I had truly decided the life I wanted was just not for me.  However, something inside of me let me know that I needed to go ahead and give it a try.

Grab a drink, scissors, stickers, glue, and a couple hours!

Grab a drink, scissors, stickers, glue, and a couple hours!

So, I did what any right-minded person in 2017 would do and I went to Pinterest! I needed help and I needed it to stick the way that verbal words had never stuck before.  I found monthly and yearly plans and I configured those to fit my life to the best that I could. Before I knew it, I had planned out each month from now to May 2019 and damn it felt good.


A gift from a great friend who knows my life ... haha

A gift from a great friend who knows my life ... haha

Step #1:

You can’t help yourself until you want to be helped.  You have to be ready! All the cliché’ sayings that you have heard are very true.  At least for me, they are and I stand by it.

Step #2:

Find an accountability partner to make sure that you are doing what you need to do.  Find someone that will call you and “gas you up” tell you that you are on the right path no matter how you feel or what the naysayers are saying!

Step #3:

Good old fashion pen and paper...

Good old fashion pen and paper...

I decided I would try the handwritten method instead, but whatever works for you take it, and work with it, make it your own! I journal, I have a vision board, a daily notepad, and now I have help sheets for every month that allowed me to plan my life how I needed.

Step #4:

Happy Planner 365 from the Michaels Blog page

Happy Planner 365 from the Michaels Blog page

Get you a planner!! This step kind goes hand in hand with the last step.  I had gotten a planner from work, from the discount stores, and several other places, but when I finally located the planner for me I fell in love! I am a very creative person and the 365 Happy Planners were it for me!! Think of it as a scrapbook that meets a planner! The organization has been amazing!

Step #5:

Execute your plan! It is going to take time and it is going to be hard but execute your plan one day at a time. One thing I heard while on this journey so far was if you want something it will not be easy! You have got to be willing to work for yourself! YOU ARE YOUR OWN STAR PLAYER!! So if you don’t do it for yourself no one else will!


None of this will be easy yall!! I think that is what we do naturally, get excited about something, and think that it is going to come easy.  It will never come to you that easy, unless you are just that lucky.  Nothing ever falls in your lap the way we dream, except for the opportunity to jump at even the smallest dream and work for it.  So that’s it yall!! I will leave you with that in hopes that this will push you to be better, to dream bigger, and ultimately get off your ass and work for what you know you want and deserve!

vision board

My 2018 vision Board

Be Brave Be Bold Be You

Please don’t forget to subscribe, like, and share! Let me know in the comments if you want to know more about any of the steps and what I did to get there! Always remember to let those brilliant Mindz be Cr3ative!


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