The Street View Podcast

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Podcast Mz Aryiel E Podcast Mz Aryiel E

S1EP02 | ComPEERision Culture

In this episode Aryiel discusses the issues with comparing yourself to others. As a single mother there are many things that you can compare yourself to down to the smallest things.

An Aryiel View Presents The Street View! Episode 2 is here! This month we are discussing the downfalls of the lack of listening & understanding, competition, mom-shaming, and comparison in life in general. Listen, we have all been there where we have been in an unhealthy mindset and compare ourselves to our peers as though it is a competition. We speak before we truly listen and we respond as though we are subject matter experts on things we can not truly understand. WE as mothers as well tend to do comparisons of the “woe is me, my motherhood woes are worst then yours!” I should be here because THEY are there, ” and the list goes on. So in this episode, I unravel the reality of what I like to call ComPEERision Culture.

To show support on how much you love this week's episode head over to Instagram and follow me on social media @AnAryielView on Facebook An Aryiel View and on Twitter @AnAryielView.

This week I mentioned one of the things that I use when trying to get out of my comparison head! I like to use the journal Fuck This Shit Show A Gratitude Journal For Tired-Ass Women created by “The Beetches Story” and then I also like to use the Affirmation cards that were gifted to me by @WeAreKarsi on Instagram and website: ( Check out both if you need something to get you through those tough times.

Music for this episode was so graciously provided by Alex Don Media Group! Check out his work on his site: or on his Instagram @alexdon Don't forget to leave your comments and rate our show as well on your streaming platform!

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Podcast Mz Aryiel E Podcast Mz Aryiel E

S1EP01 | Mama's During COVID & Educating on #BLM

Navigating life as a mom during COVID. What are the ups and what are the downs during a time where our political climate is crazy and most don't know what the next day will bring.

An Aryiel View Presents A Street View! Episode 1 is here! This week we are talking about what it was like to parent during a pandemic! Was it hard balancing work and homeschool? Did you survive it? We are also going to talking about talking to your child about diversity and more specifically how to approach the Black Lives Matter movement that many of us are joining and actively participating in.

To show support on how much you love this week's episode head over to Instagram and follow me on social media @AnAryielView on Facebook An Aryiel View and on Twitter @AnAryielView.

Music for this episode was so graciously provided by Alex Don Media Group! Check out his work on his site: or on his Instagram @alexdon Don't forget to leave your comments and rate our show as well on your streaming platform!

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Podcast Mz Aryiel E Podcast Mz Aryiel E

The Street View Intro: Teaser

Just a litle taste…

An Aryiel View Presents A Street View! Just a little teaser of one of the many intros you all get to listen to this season! Get excited I am.

To show support on how much you love this week's episode head over to Instagram and follow me on social media @AnAryielView on Facebook An Aryiel View and on Twitter @AnAryielView.

Music for this episode was so graciously provided by Alex Don Media Group! Check out his work on his site: or on his Instagram @alexdon Don't forget to leave your comments and rate our show as well on your streaming platform!

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