Sunday Reflections: The Week Social Media Took Over My Life!

April is finally here!!

I am more than ready to begin showing off beautifully bronzed shoulders, bold and bright colors of clothing + lipsticks and falling deeply into our summer dream goals.  Last week felt so long for me, between Mother Nature constantly changing, my 9-5 running me into the ground, and the long-awaited Easter egg hunts (because AVAA and I had a ton of invites).

My release, unfortunately, became social media, which is not something that I want to become blindly addicted to.  What started out as a mild session of the social update has become a constant overload of social take-over.  What I never thought I would do was fall victim to the social media addiction craze.  I most def fell and I fell far from who I am and what I represent. 

It’s scary really and it may be most scary because I recently watched the “Black Mirror” episode Nosedive and if you have not seen it WATCH IT!! I don’t want to give too much of the episode though so I’ll say less to save the non-watchers on the blog!

BlackMirror Nose Dive

Y’all I really have let the ratings of my peers dictate my happiness and dim the shine that I feel like I portray. I let social media take control and fly my plane YOOOOO I am the Captain of this damn plane!!

Firstly, I looked at the aesthetic of my pages and the quality of the work I produce and I have ripped myself into pieces to make sure that I can stay up to speed with the other people that are doing the same.  Then I self-destructed! Y’all I literally melted away into a confused creature.  Think of me as Voldermort when he finally dies and you see him curled up underneath that subway bench … My HP fans know the scene I am talking about. 

Yes, I was a mess … but I am learning that with all bad days that I have, I must pull myself out because I am NOT some bombshell, top notch, guru! I am me, which is a hell of a lot more than what some can say. 

My realities from last week:

My kid is the star of my blog!

As a parent we only want better for our kids then we have for ourselves and this week I learned that my kid is BETTER! Easily put, I could write forever about anything and everything and my daughter would still be the highlight with nothing but a picture of her being her! So I decided I should probably take that and run with it. Keep an eye on the Mommy and AVAA page for new stories and photos.

Your friends are not going to follow your blog just because they are your friends!

As a giver and not receiver, I am noticing that my friends will not always follow me or support what I do and I have to be okay with that.  Remember that binge that I did with social media this week? Well, I even went as far as seeing who truly supports and who doesn’t really care to read not one bit of it at all.  I now know that maybe the efforts I put into supporting my friends… I should really be focusing on just myself because they are not even thinking about me.

I want to be a minimalist

I have so much stuff that I hold on to from clothes, shoes, books, and JUST STUFF!! The goal before the end of the year is to take all of my clothes and minimize! I want to have my life-sized down to where when I move I have 10 heavy duty storage bins.  I say heavy duty and sturdy because every time that I have purchased the cheaper ones I end up having lids that don’t truly fit or bins that crack and break anyway. Time for a true investment.  I was never really a spring cleaner but I feel it coming!

Single people can do a whole lot more shit than people without kids

Need I say more?  This is for my parents out there that are really struggling with the harsh realities that being a parent means you have a life to provide for someone for the rest of their life.  Lavish trips, using the bathroom alone, having a spotless house, exercising in the evening and going out to bars is NOT a reality! Realistically we are here for one thing and one thing only! To be the best parents that we can be.  Which is no easy mountain to climb but is very rewarding indeed. 

I need to set a schedule and provide better content to my readers

I explored the idea of posting every day this past week and the results were great! New followers daily, knowledge of what is liked and what is not liked, and a true challenge to elevate who I am! I noticed that it seems like I write a lot of journal blogs rather than inspo, DIY, or something tangible for you all so I want to set a better schedule that works with my busy life and that you all will like plus benefit from. 

My Thoughts:

  • AVAA Tuesdays

  • DIY/Inspo/Tangible Fridays

  • Reflection Sundays

I am definitely still working on my Fridays because finding a niche is hard to do but always doable!

I hope that in the next upcoming week I have graduated from the dreaded death by social media and just keep flourishing.  It really is a constant uphill battle to success but I know that this nice gal will finish on top!

“Mama said there’d be views like this”


From First Coast to a HBCU


The Countdown: 431 Days