Soul Mates, Life Time Partner, Seasonal Partners OH MY!

Hey everyone! So for the month of February it's all about lovvveeeee... and what better way to start off than with my interpretation of love and the partners we share it with. 

My ideology of love has always been something that I believe has been questioned, made a mockery of, been told it’s delusional, but also celebrated. The idea behind soul mates vs seasonal partners and how one can love someone for just a season but try to make it a lifetime is intriguing to me. 

Love is courageous, it is a fuel that never burns out, and it is a piece of humanity that we can never escape.  In a world of dating apps, open relationships, and infidelity spiraling out of control, we must not bypass the old school lover who still believes.  The dating world we live in today is just a system that we need to be broken out of, I think then we could truly be happy.


Okay so sounds crazy right?  I am sure some of you that know me probably think, well she’s single and she fell completely and totally into the system of unhappiness and ultimately made a seasonal part a life partner.  However, it is EXACTLY that experience that allowed me to first realize that I truly didn’t love myself and that I was in something because it is what I thought was right.  Plenty of times I was given the opportunity to part ways but instead, I stayed and because I knew the potential that person possessed I thought it would eventually work. But Sis, it doesn’t work that way…

So let’s talk about these life partners, seasonal partners’ haha, and soul mates.

I think we have it in our head that a soul mate can be someone that last forever and is “meant to be, or happily ever after.”  But in fact, it is not that at all.  A soul mate is anyone that can affect you wholeheartedly and alter the very way you think and breathe; naturally, this can also be someone that is seasonal.  Some soul mates stick around forever, while others only last for a moment in time and space.  Now let’s think about that for a moment… A soul mate can indeed be a friend OR a lover.  Not all soulmates that are lovers will stick around forever, thus making them seasonal partners.  Friends can be a soul mate for a lifetime or for just a period.  (I am sure we all have those friends that stuck around for just as long as we needed them to be there and then they left) 




Are you still with me?




Maybe this will be easier:



Well if you have made it this far that is a good thing! I know, I know I have probably confused you and lost you but hopefully, some are still here. 








I want us to believe in love again! Ya know, I have seen some people bypass all of the bullshit love lives have to go through, and I have seen some be stuck in a never-ending cycle of loving and lusting.  If there is one thing I have learned it is that we need to embrace every moment for what they are; and if seasonal know when to back out.  Learn to acknowledge what the person is giving your soul and eventually love will take over and life will begin.

Please don’t forget to subscribe, like, and share! Let me know in the comments if you want to know more! As always remember to let those brilliant Mindz be Cr3ative!


The Countdown: 431 Days


It's Gottah be a Crime, Cause Food just Tastes so Good!